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EMarketer: Consumers are slow to trade down in the baby, pet care, and beauty categories

The insight: Private label penetration is on the rise, but there are a few categories that shoppers are reluctant to trade down in—namely baby care, pet care, and beauty, according to data from Kroger’s 84.51°.

  • Just 21% of consumers are willing to switch to a cheaper baby care label, compared with 62% for paper products, 59% for shelf-stable goods, and 52% for household cleaning products.

  • 7 in 10 shoppers prefer to stick to a specific pet food brand, and only 30% are open to buying cheaper beauty brands.

Why it matters: The data shows that while shoppers are on the whole looking for savings, there are some products and brands that they refuse to compromise on. That’s good news for pet retailers like Chewy and Petco, as well as consumer packaged goods companies like Kimberly-Clark (which owns Huggies) and Procter & Gamble (which owns Pampers).

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