Consumer Digest: Holiday Planning November 2023

Welcome to the November edition of the Consumer Digest, where we aim to provide relevant informative and actionable insights around consumer trends. This month, we are focusing on the holidays. First, we’ll look at ways shoppers are planning to cut back for Thanksgiving this year. From there, we'll look at top ranked holiday meal side dishes and the activities they are planning to do over the next few months. Finally, we'll wrap up with how consumers anticipate they will stick to a diet through the holidays, As always, reach out to your 84.51° contact with questions or feedback.
The Holiday Hassles of 2023
Close to half of shoppers claim finances as the biggest stressor during the holidays – buying gifts (36%), crowded stores (33%), and getting sick (28%) are additional holiday worries.
Other top holiday stressors include: cleaning/getting the home ready for guests (23%), gathering with friends and family (17%), and planning events with friends and family (15%).
Anticipations and Plans for the 2023 Holiday Season: Finding Balance, Value and What Matters Most….
Many people are adjusting their holiday plans this year due to inflation and financial constraints. They are sticking to budgets, using shopping apps, buying less, and cutting back on spending. Consumers are planning to focus on spending time relaxing with family and friends and less on the material aspects of the season.
Some say, it’s all about the sides - carbolicious!
Top ranked holiday meal side dishes…
24%: Stuffing
21%: Mashed Potatoes
11%: Sweet Potatoes
6%: Green Bean Casserole
Traditions bring the holiday season to life - Who needs new when you have tried and true?
Most shoppers are not eager to try something new in the kitchen this holiday season. Those looking for inspiration are turning to people they’re closest to or online resources for recipes.
27% of shoppers will be seeking out meal inspiration and will rely on the following resources for new recipes:
41%: Friends & Family
39%: Recipe Websites
28%: Cookbooks
23%: Pinterest
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SOURCE: 84.51° Real Time Insights, November 2023
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