Consumer Digest: Holiday insights November 2024

Cinematic bites: foods from your favorite holiday films
In this special edition of the 84.51˚ Consumer Digest, we’re taking a detour from our usual publication to add some festive cheer! The holiday season often includes cozy movie nights and indulging in nostalgic treats, so we thought it would be fun to combine some of our favorite holiday films with related consumer insights. For each classic movie, we dug into the data inspired by iconic holiday foods featured in them, adding a touch of seasonal whimsy.
Home Alone – 1990
“Bless the highly nutritious microwaveable macaroni and cheese dinner and the people who sold it on sale. Amen.” – Kevin McCallister
Spending Christmas alone after being left behind by his family, young Kevin McCallister set out to enjoy the holiday his way, indulging in food and playful antics. Along with setting clever traps to outwit the home intruders, he takes on surprisingly adult tasks, like doing laundry, preparing meals and even heading to the grocery store.
Many consumers feel inflation has taken a “bite” out of their budgets. With the help of 84.51°’s Stratum Top Products feature, we determined what Kevin’s basket would cost in 2024, compared to 1990 in the movie scene.
“A lovely cheese pizza. Just for me.” – Kevin
Online orders for frozen pizza and soft drinks over index with households who have kids.
Frozen pizza:
With kids: 149
Without kids: 68
Soft drinks:
With kids: 144
Without kids: 73
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation - 1989
“Can I refill your eggnog for you? Get you something to eat?” – Clark Griswold
The Griswold family Christmas is a whirlwind of excitement and humor as Clark Griswold attempts to keep the holiday chaos under control. Armed with optimism (and questionable judgment) with cutting down a Christmas tree in the woods to setting up a dazzling light display outside their home, the Griswold’s keep their unique holiday traditions alive. And, of course, nothing says “holiday party” quite like a glass of eggnog—except maybe a spiked one!
With the 84.51° Stratum Profile: Household Segmentation report we can see who’s picking up eggnog this season as well as what else shoppers are adding to their carts with 84.51° Stratum’s Basket: Products Bought Together & Cross Shop: Product Interactions report.
Top 5 items that shoppers purchase in the same basket as Egg Nog:
Holiday (packaged candy)
Cranberry sauce
Stuffing mixes
Aerosol toppings
Spiral hams
Top liquors purchased with Egg Nog:
The Santa Clause - 1994
“Well, what's your diet like?” – Dr. Pete Novos
“Milk and cookies.” – Scott Calvin [while turning into Santa Claus]
This charming holiday film about Scott Calvin, a single dad who accidentally finds himself taking on the role of Santa Claus, blends humor and holiday magic. Scott undergoes drastic changes —growing a white beard overnight, having new dietary needs and moving his entire life to the North Pole. Amongst a complete lifestyle change, he inevitably embraces his new destiny, learns valuable lessons about family and ultimately, understands the true spirit of Christmas.
Santa’s sleigh may be powered by the Reindeer, but nothing fuels him more than the milk and cookies duo. Let’s use the 84.51°’s Stratum Cross Shop: 2 Way Venn Diagram to see how many households are purchasing this holiday dynamic duo.
We will also utilize 84.51° Stratum KPI: Hour of the Day report, to see what time of day shoppers are purchasing milk, as well as 84.51° Stratum’s Cross Shop: Product Interactions to show the top “mix ins” for holiday cookies!
What are we feeding Santa – Milk, cookies, both?
Cookie dough only (refrigerated cookie dough, break n’ bake, seasonal cookie dough): 4%
Both milk and cookies: 7%
White milk: 89%
Top “mix ins” for when shoppers purchase cookie dough ingredients (Butter, sugar, flour, baking powder, vanilla, eggs):
Bit & Morsels
Nut butters
Baking nuts
Standard oatmeal
Elf - 2003
“We elves try to stick to the four main food groups: candy, candy canes, candy corns and syrup.” – Buddy the Elf
In this instant Christmas classic, Buddy, a human raised by elves at the North Pole, travels to New York City to find his biological father. Innocent and hilariously naive, Buddy spreads Christmas cheer while navigating modern life and reconnecting with his family, ultimately saving Christmas with his infectious holiday spirit.
While in New York, Buddy’s sweet tooth quickly becomes prevalent with one of his favorite “meals” being spaghetti topped with maple syrup. Let’s utilize the 84.51°’s Stratum Cross Shop: 3-Way Venn Diagram report to see the number of households that are buying Buddy’s favorite combo!
Household penetration on soft drinks is 91% with an average of 21 trips per year in the category.
In one of the funniest scenes, Buddy chugs an entire 2-liter bottle of Coke in one go. During a meal with his new family, Buddy eagerly grabs the Coke bottle and downs it in seconds, visibly enjoying the sugar rush while everyone else watches, somewhat horrified. After he finishes, he lets out a loud, drawn-out burp that lasts several seconds, shocking his new family and leaving his younger brother Michael stunned.
Using 84.51° Stratum’s, Basket: Number of Products report, let’s see how many 2 Liters shoppers are purchasing per trip.
In trips containing 2 Liter soda, how many 2 Liters are shoppers purchasing per trip?
1 unit: 39%
2 units: 32%
3 units: 6%
4+ units: 23%
61% purchase 2 or more 2 Liter sodas per trip.
How the Grinch Stole Christmas - 2000
"I tell you Max, I don’t know why I ever leave this place. I’ve got all the company I need right here.” – The Grinch
This live remake follows the Grinch, a grouchy recluse in Who-ville, who despises Christmas and schemes to ruin it by stealing holiday decorations and gifts. But his encounter with little Cindy Lou Who sparks a change in his heart, leading him to discover the true spirit of Christmas.
Always at the Grinch’s side is Max, his small, scrappy dog who, despite the Grinch's grouchy and sometimes cruel behavior, remains devoted to him. Our furry friends are hoping for extra treats this holiday season.
Let’s use the 84.51° Stratum, KPI: Product by Time report to see if there is an uptick in consumers with pets purchasing treats for their loyal companions!
A Christmas Story - 1983
“Be sure to drink your Ovaltine. Ovaltine? A crummy commercial!” – Ralphie
This nostalgic comedy follows young Ralphie Parker, who dreams of getting a Red Ryder BB gun for Christmas. Set in the 1940s, the film humorously captures family life, holiday traditions, and childhood dreams, as Ralphie faces bullies, school, and his parents' holiday quirks—ultimately finding the magic of Christmas.
In one of the movie’s most iconic scenes, Ralphie eagerly sends away for a “Little Orphan Annie” secret decoder ring, which he receives in the mail. When he finally decodes his first secret message from the show, he's thrilled—until he realizes it’s just an advertisement that says, “Be sure to drink your Ovaltine.”
Using 84.51°’s Stratum Basket: Products Bought Together & Profile: Household Segmentation, we take a look at Ovaltine.
Top categories shoppers purchase in the same basket as Ovaltine during the holidays:
Hot chocolate/Cocoa mix
Malted milk/Syrup
Tea bags
Organic milk
Instant coffee
SOURCE: 84.51° Real Time Insights, November 2024
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