
From passion to progress: A look back at 84.51°'s latest employee grant stipends


One of the most highly regarded benefits as an 84.51° associate is the employee grant stipend – a corporate donation made to a charity of an associates’ choosing, as long as they are actively involved in that charity. 

84.51° was proud to provide employee grant stipends to 24 different charities in 2024. Here are just a few of the ways our associates gave back to our communities last year. 

Mountain SOL – David McCoy

Mountain Stewardship and Outdoor Leadership School, or Mountain SOL School, was founded in 2014 as an extension of Aurora Lights, a West Virginia environmental non-profit that has been leading programs in a variety of environmental stewardship and outdoor leadership topics; Mountain SOL promotes environmental awareness, leadership, and building a supportive community. 

Lead software engineer David McCoy requested his employee grant stipend to support Mountain SOL, as he and his wife support the non-profit school by teaching classes, volunteering for events, and building their software platform for enrollment and student management. 

84.51°’s donation helped cover teacher costs and supplies for its afterschool programs and campouts, which reached 29 students from elementary through high school. The programs gave students hands-on experience with wilderness skills while building confidence and connection to nature. 

Our middle school Rangers learned outdoor navigation, foraging, and water management. 

The Bard Owls were introduced to folk music and jam session culture. 

The high school Jagares conducted a scouting and mapping mission during riverbed hike and campout, which included practicing wilderness first aid scenarios. 

Students learned outdoor construction skills (bushcraft).


Eggstrong Foundation – Margaret Venishel

The mission of the Eggstrong Foundation is to honor the life of Jeff Eggleston, a former 84.51° associate who passed away from cancer at the age of 42. The Eggstrong Foundation was founded to raise awareness, provide financial support for cancer research and support other non-profit cancer organizations. 

Margaret Venishel is a director of enterprise change management and is an active member of Eggstrong alongside Jason Angelo, director, program management. Eggstrong’s leadership team was honored to present a check for $60,000 to the University of Cincinnati Brain Tumor Center (part of UC Gardner Neuroscience Institute) on behalf of the Eggstrong Foundation at the Walk Ahead event on October 13, 2024. 

84.51° has supported Eggstrong for many years through its Degrees of Giving program and The Eggstrong Foundation will be recognized for its contributions to life-saving research with a plaque at the U.S. Brain Tumor Center in May.  

Since 2017, Eggstrong has donated $225,000 to the UC Brain Tumor Center, and $57,500 to St. Baldricks foundation for childhood cancer research – both of which Jeff had a great passion for supporting.  


Ronald McDonald House Charities of Chicago & NW Indiana – Kelsey Brenon

Ronald McDonald House Charities of Chicago provide housing and access to critical medical services to families with sick children. Each night, RMH Chicago keeps 181 families close to the care and resources they need through six Ronald McDonald Houses and four Ronald McDonald Family Rooms.  

Kelsey Brenon is a senior commercial account executive and Chairperson of the Red Shoe Society, the young professional board that supports RMH Chicago. 84.51°’s donation supported the Red Shoe Society's summer event, Red Shoe Brew, hosted in Chicago. 

Ronald Mc Donald House Chicago 2024

Xavier University, Williams College of Business Marketing Advisory Board – Matt Tripepi 

The Xavier University, Williams College of Business Marketing Advisory Board assists with recommending courses to meet the needs of companies who hire recent college grads, build relationships and collaboration among local companies and non-profits with Xavier's business school and its students, as well as assist in raising funds for the charity to use in case competitions, service learning as well as company visits. 

Lead business acceleration consultant Matt Tripepi is the president of the Marketing Advisory Board at Xavier University’s Williams College of Business. 84.51°’s donation helped to cover the costs of the Xavier University Marketing Department’s Corporate ConneXions event in the fall, as well as a scholarship to an outstanding student in the Department of Marketing.  

“I am very grateful that we have this benefit as an 84.51° associate as it allows me to stay connected in a different way with my University as well as help with student support that benefits many in the marketing department,” Matt said. 

Xavier 01
Xavier 02

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