8451 900 X 635 Employee Spotlight 900 X 635 Name Template Kaylee Zeller 2 X

Employee spotlight: Kaylee Zeller

8451 900 X 635 Employee Spotlight 900 X 635 Name Template Kaylee Zeller 2 X

What makes 84.51˚ an intriguing company? Is it the flexible hybrid work options, the free food regularly found around the office or the challenging problems that we tackle? While these aspects are undoubtedly great, it’s the people that make working here truly special. Check out our Employee Spotlight series to learn more about who we are and the unique traits of our teammates.

Hometown:  Cincinnati, Ohio Office Location:  Cincinnati, Ohio Start Date:  June 2022 Job title:  Loyalty Campaign Manager

Describe your role.

As a Campaign Manager on our Commercial Loyalty team, I work with a team of knowledgeable and curious consultants and leaders who always put the needs of the client first. Our team plays a key role in getting vehicles like MyMagazine and Loyal Customer Mailer out the door to Kroger's most loyal customers, advancing CPG/brand objectives and also driving incremental sales back to Kroger. The role of Campaign Manager could be considered similar to a Project Manager, connecting dots and driving efficiencies in collaboration with our internal stakeholders, who are in turn working with our CPG partners to achieve their goals and create the best possible customer experience. Day-to-day tasks involve external client and internal colleague meetings, the collection and management of creative assets, creative reviews, and preparation of projects in the pipeline.

How long have you worked in Loyalty Campaign Management and what inspired you to pursue this field?

I have worked in this position since I joined 84.51° in June of 2022. Prior to 84.51°, I was in a completely different realm of work in Sports Hospitality and Event Planning. Having studied business, I knew my passion was to work in an environment where I could be in a team setting, manage multiple projects, interact with clients and be a part of a business that makes a difference in people’s lives.

What interested you in joining 84.51°?

To me, 84.51° was always a place where I wanted to be. It’s a company that is proud of the work they do, and a place where people stay, grow, and work hard. This company makes people’s lives easier, which has always been a core value of my own. Throughout my networking process prior to joining, the people were easy to talk to, extremely welcoming and excited about their job. They advocated for 84.51° and were willing to be a resource in any way that they could.

What has been the most memorable experience or favorite project you’ve worked on?

Shortly after joining the Loyalty Campaign Management team, we integrated multi-supplier mailers into our calendar of events. A multi-supplier mailer is a unique, direct mail, themed event that incentivizes purchase across a key category. I have had the privilege of owning these mailers. These projects excite me as they are fast-paced and themed around the year in creative ways (Valentines Day, Super Bowl, Holiday, Back to School, etc.). These are favorite projects of mine, and we are always looking for ways to evolve them and create the best customer experience.

What’s your favorite part about working at 84.51°? Do you have a favorite benefit or perk that is offered?

My favorite part about working at 84.51° is the people. It is rare to find a culture where the entirety of people are kind, resourceful, willing to share their knowledge, and interested in knowing you as a person. This is a place where others’ wins (both inside and outside of work) are always celebrated. My favorite perk is the work-life balance so that I can show up refreshed with the energy and excitement to be my best and do my best each day.

What advice would you give to those who are considering working in this field?

I would highly encourage working in this field to anyone that is considering it! It is a field where people of all different career and education backgrounds thrive – there is a need for every skill. Any prior experience can be molded into an asset for your role here. This is an ever-evolving environment where there is always a willing and helping hand. Be confident in what you can bring to the table!

What do you like to do in your free time outside of work hours?

In my free time, I enjoy staying busy. You can find me at a brewery, at a concert, hiking, or enjoying time with friends and family! Lately, I have been extra busy wedding planning and starting new home projects.

We’re leading a data revolution in the retail business, and we’re looking for partners who are ready for a deeper, more personal approach to customer engagement.

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