8451 900 X 635 Employee Spotlight 900 X 635 Imad Badawai

Employee spotlight: Imad Badawi

8451 900 X 635 Employee Spotlight 900 X 635 Imad Badawai

What makes 84.51˚ an intriguing company? Is it the flexible hybrid work options, the free food regularly found around the office or the challenging problems that we tackle? While these aspects are undoubtedly great, it’s the people that make working here truly special. Check out our Employee Spotlight series to learn more about who we are and the unique traits of our teammates. 

Hometown:  Cincinnati, Ohio Office Location:  Cincinnati, Ohio  Start Date:  June 2022  Job title:  Senior Software Engineer

Describe your role.

I develop web app components for KAP (Kroger Ad Platform), offering dynamic solutions to support the continuous evolution of KAP Campaigns. Additionally, I am responsible for maintaining the technological stack.  

How long have you worked in software engineering and what inspired you to pursue this field?

I have been a software engineer since 2022. When I was a junior in high school in Amman, Jordan, I learned that machines communicate in ones and zeroes and that ignited a storm of curiosity that has not settled yet. Writing basic JavaScript code and HTML tags in a textbook (without the luxury of ever seeing, much less using, a computer) and visualizing how a computer would read and interact with those symbols was a life-changing experience that made me discover my love for developing.

What interested you in joining 84.51°? 

Back in the pandemic year of 2020, I was a young college student working at a cell phone store while attending school remotely. Seeking internships, I participated in the University of Cincinnati’s virtual career fair, where 84.51° had a booth. After reading about the company, I was immediately interested and sent my resume, hoping to secure an interview. Shortly after, a recruiter reached out to me, and that’s how my journey with 84.51° began.

What has been the most memorable experience or favorite project you’ve worked on?

Reflecting on my noticeably young career at 84.51°, my favorite project that I have and still continuously work on is KAP. Initially, we focused on maintaining 84.51° Prism until Project KAP began. My team played a major role in its launch, and I seized the opportunity to become deeply involved from the start. Today, we own key data assets like Products, Taxonomies, Divisions, and Bid Management— the founding pillars of campaigns.

What’s your favorite part about working at 84.51°? Do you have a favorite benefit or perk that is offered?

The people. I’ve never worked in a company with so many talented, supportive individuals. The work environment is exceptional, with everyone contributing to making other coworkers' lives easier. One of my favorite benefits is the dedicated learning time, which helps employees grow and stay current with the latest technological trends.

What advice would you give to those who are considering working in this field?

For a dynamic and continuously evolving field such as Software Engineering, you must be versatile, engaging, and open minded to changes. What you learn today may become obsolete tomorrow. If you love building state-of-the-art web applications using cutting-edge technologies alongside industry-leading engineers, this is the place to be.

What do you like to do in your free time outside of work hours?

Since I spend most of my work hours in front of a screen, I love to spend my off hours in front of the sun. I enjoy trails, bicycle rides and swimming. I go for long walks and sprints then end the day with a quick dip in the local swimming pool to cool off and relax. I also enjoy cooking meals and eventually end up behind a screen at the end of the day to play video games if time allows.  

We’re leading a data revolution in the retail business, and we’re looking for partners who are ready for a deeper, more personal approach to customer engagement.

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